Wednesday, November 3, 2021

History Of Hunza Valley

  Hunza, known as Heaven on Earth, is a wonderful hilly valley situated in the Gilgit-Baltistan locale of Pakistan. Arranged at the north/west of the Hunza River, it is encircled by a few high pinnacles including Rakaposhi, Hunza Peak, BojahagurDuanasir II, Darmyani Peak, Ghenta Sar, Ultar Sar and Ladyfinger Peak. 

The valley has diverse excellent regular sights which are the attractions for sightseers. Among these attractions the Baltit and Altit fortress are likewise notable. The Baltit fortress, after redesign, has as of late been transformed into legacy exhibition hall. In Hunza, the market of Karimbad is popular for its nearby crafted works, carefully assembled carpets, customary weaved covers, wraps, hand woven fabric (paffu) and its gemstones which are well known from one side of the planet to the other, especially Ruby. The Ruby mines are well known vacation spots. 

Well known Forts 

Other than its beautiful magnificence, vacationers visit this valley to have a brief look at the two most popular fortifications of Hunza known as Altit and Baltit fortress. 

The Altit Fort is the most seasoned stronghold in northern regions which is situated in the Altit town. It is worked with incredible building plan on a stone of a mountain where the Hunza River streams at its back. 

Baltit Fort is one more delightful post in the Hunza valley which is worked at the highest point of Karimabad. It has won various honors including Tourism of Tomorrow Award, Asia-Pacific Heritage for Cultural Conservation-Award of Excellence (UNESCO). The Time Magazine of Asia granted Best of Asia Award in 2005. 

Individuals and Language 

A large portion of individuals of Hunza are Ismaili Shia Muslims who are the adherents of Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, while in the space of Ganish Village more than 90% are Shia Muslims. 

The Hunza locale is basically home to individuals of three identities: 

The Lower Hunza region which reaches out from Khizerabad to Nasirabad predominantly has a place with the Shinaki individuals whose neighborhood language is Shina. 

The Central Hunza region which stretches out from Murtazaabad to Attabad primarily has a place with the Burushaski speakers. 

The Upper Hunza region which is normally known as Gojal stretches out from Shiskat to Khunjerab and has a place with Wakhi speakers. 

Very much like the valley is known for its picturesque magnificence, individuals of Hunza are cordial and known for their friendliness. In spite of the way that Burushaski is the most generally satisfactory language among everything except larger part of individuals likewise get Urdu and English. 

Numerous social exercises are related with this valley and individuals of Hunza are attached to celebrating such occasions. Among all age bunches conventional dance is extremely normal and there is an uncommon customary band for this dance which makes it to be more enjoyable and fervor. 


As indicated by an overview held, the education pace of the Hunza valley is accepted to be above 90%. The valley ends up being a 'good example' for Pakistan with respect to high education rate and school enrolment where each youngster to a base investigations up to secondary school. Of these, many go to renowned schools and colleges of Pakistan and abroad to get advanced education. 

Way of life 

Individuals of Hunza are extremely solid and have the longest life expectancy on the planet. They stay solid and strong even in advanced age. This is a direct result of the unadulterated water they drink and their normal eating routine. Individuals walk a ton on the tough landscape ordinary which fills in as actual exercise for them. Among other naturally developed food, the most well-known organic product in Hunza is apricot which is viewed as their Gold. Individuals there eat new apricots in the season, dry them and furthermore puree the dried apricots of which jam and frozen yogurt is subsequently made. These individuals likewise get healthful extravagance of different natural products too that are developed there including apples, pears, dark and red cherries, peaches. The quantity of plantations and trees under development are utilized to measure the financial steadiness of the nearby individuals in Hunza. 

Hunza chapatti bread is a significant part of their eating routine produced using nutritious grains. The Glacial Milk additionally assists with keeping these individuals solid. 

Customary Festivals 

The Hunza Valley is home to different celebrations identified with religion, culture and ordinary life occasions. These celebrations fall into two fundamental classifications to be specific strict celebrations and social celebrations (day to day existence or rural). The strict celebrations include: 



Eid-Ul-Meladul Nabi 

Nowroz celebration 

Shab-e Barat, 


Eid Ghadeer, 

Salgira-e-Imam Zman Mubar (Birthday of Agha khan) 

The customary Ginani celebration is praised by the neighborhood local area with numerous social events coordinated in Altit, Baltit and Aliabad. This celebration is commended to invite the new gathering season with delight and satisfaction. The festivals are made with dance, music and a conventional dish is made to check the celebration known as Dirum Pitti. 

Another well known celebration is the Spring Blossom Festival which offers individuals a chance to sit together and appreciate life. Presentations, sports programs and social shows draw in the crowd in this celebration to commend the social legacy of the area. 

Aside from these different celebrations incorporate Baba Ghundi and Shimshal Kuch celebration. 


The climate from April to September is very wonderful in Hunza which requires individuals to wear light woolen garments. Be that as it may, during winters weighty woolen garments are required. 

The ladies especially wear bright, knee-length shirts with shalwars and cover their heads with customary weaved covers. For men, the normal dress is Shalwar Qamiz and covers made insane woven woolen material called 'Pattu'. In winters they wear free weaved outfits as jackets. 


The nearby forte dish of Hunza is 'fittis' which is exceptionally tasty and worth tasting. These are essentially cakes made of wheat flour, milk, margarine and salt, prepared on a hot stone. Apricots, apples, plums, peaches, cherries and grapes are different new organic products filled around here. As expressed previously, the Hunza bread is again a nutritious eating regimen of grains. When discussing unfamiliar guests, Grape separate known as 'Hunza Water' is extremely famous among them. 


Pakistan has been honored with delightful areas all through the nation and Hunza sure is one of them. It stays exceptionally popular, for its picturesque magnificence and special culture, with local people just as the outsiders. We being individuals of Pakistan ought to ensure our territory and become the diplomats of such wonderful spots.

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